Regional Bus Shelter Program
The District has been working with the City of Hartford, CTtransit, CTDOT and CRCOG to implement a regional bus shelter program. This program has been used to install bus shelters in a number of towns, including East Hartford, South Windsor, Windsor Locks, Bloomfield and Wethersfield to name a few. Over the past year, shelters were installed at the following locations:
- Asylum Ave. at Bushnell Park (October 2019)
- Market/Talcott Streets (June 2020)
- Farmington/Sigourney Streets (June 2020)
- Asylum Ave @ Asylum Place (August 2020)
- Park and Laurel (inbound and outbound) Coming Summer of 2023!
Some of the shelters have solar panels/lights and some have advertising panels, which will help to fund the maintenance of the shelters. Funding for this project is provided through Federal Transit Administration Enhancement Funds with the CTDOT and the participating towns providing the local match.
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