Business Opportunities
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FY 2023 through 2025 GOAL
It is the policy of the Greater Hartford Transit District (the District) to provide Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs) maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts financed in whole or part with federal funds. The District will not allow any person or business to be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise be discriminated against in connection with the award and performance of any U.S. Department of Transportation assisted contract on the basis of sex, race, color or national origin. The District has established a revised DBE participation overall goal for FYs 2023 to 2025 of 7.9%.
Any firm wishing to review the goal setting process can view the presentation at this link or by clicking on the image below:
GHTD DBE Goal Setting Presentation September 2024
Any firm wishing to obtain further information about the DBE program or the goal setting methodology should contact Mary Bujeaud at or by calling 860-380-2024. The goal setting methodology can also be viewed at the District’s office (by appointment) at the Greater Hartford Transit District, One Union Place, Hartford, CT, 06103.
Other information about the DBE program can be obtained by contacting the US Department of Transportation/Federal Transit Administration – Region I, Civil Rights Officer, 55 Broadway Street, Suite 920, Cambridge, MA 02142.
Check our website periodically for a list of current procurement opportunities
GHTD RFP #04-025
The Greater Hartford Transit District (the “District” or “GHTD”), Hartford, Connecticut is seeking a qualified consulting services firm or firms interested and capable of entering into a contract with the District for the creation of a comprehensive signage and wayfinding plan along with a guide to serve as a blueprint for future signage at its Union Station campus, located at One Union Place, Hartford, CT 06103. The firm(s) selected for this work will assess current signage, engage a range of stakeholders, prepare a signage plan for current conditions, and create a signage guide for future information management in and around the Station. The selected consultant/team will work under the direction of GHTD staff and diverse Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) with representation from GHTD tenants, local, regional and interstate transportation providers, The Hartford Business Improvement District (BID), State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), the Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG), and others. The products envisioned for this effort are detailed in this Request for Proposals (RFP).
The District, under contract to the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT), provides the complementary paratransit service required by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) in the Greater Hartford/Capitol Region area. RFP documents may be obtained by calling the District at 860.380.2012 or by emailing LaShaunda Drake, Contract and Procurement Specialist, at Documents will also be posted at the District’s website: and on the State of Connecticut DAS Contracting Portal at:
A non-mandatory Virtual Pre-Proposal Conference will be held by the District on Tuesday, December 17, 2024 at 2:00 P.M. – 3:00 P.M. local time via Zoom, to outline the requirements and service standards that the District will expect of the consulting services firm, as well as to provide the opportunity for questions and explanations.
To join the web meeting via Zoom, visit:
Meeting ID: 827 9048 6774
Passcode: 648644
To call in by phone: (929) 205 6099
Proposals shall be submitted to LaShaunda Drake, Greater Hartford Transit District, One Union Place, Hartford, CT 06103, on or before 2:30 P.M. Wednesday, January 15, 2025. Proposals received after the deadline will not be considered and will be returned to the Proposer unopened. Any changes, or any requests for changes in the specifications, will not be recognized after sealed proposals are submitted to the District. Any contract resulting from this request for proposals is subject to a financial assistance contract between the District and the Connecticut Department of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration. All Proposers will be required to certify that they are not on the Comptroller General’s list of ineligible contractors. Further, the contractor will be required to comply with all applicable equal employment opportunity laws and regulations.
The District hereby notifies all Proposers that in regard to any contract entered into pursuant to this Request for Proposals, advertisement or solicitation, small and/or minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit proposals in response, and will not be subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, sex or national origin in consideration for an award. The District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals as submitted by this Request for Proposals, and to waive informalities and irregularities, as it deems in its best interest.