Organizational Information
The Greater Hartford Transit District is committed to providing the highest quality transportation and transit related support services, as well as securing the attainment of capital items that are crucial to viable transportation systems, within the Greater Hartford region and statewide. The District prioritizes public transportation investments that ensure public safety, restores the infrastructure to a state of good repair, improves the customer experience, promotes economic development, and improves quality of life for residents and visitors.
The District is a quasi-municipal corporation operating under the authority of Chapter 103a of the Connecticut General Statutes. There are currently sixteen member towns represented by appointees who collectively form the Board of Directors. The District has broad powers to acquire, operate, finance, plan, develop, maintain and otherwise provide alternate forms of land transportation and related services, including the development of transportation centers and bus parking facilities. The agency serves as a conduit for federal and state funding of transit-related capital projects; provides ADA Paratransit Service; and owns Hartford Union Station and the ADA Paratransit Operations and Maintenance Facility in East Hartford.